5th International Conference on Recent Trends in Business and Entrepreneurial Ventures (ICRTBEV 2022) is dedicated to the promotion and presentation of peer-reviewed research. The conference will bring together high-level public and private sector decision makers as well as entrepreneurs, investors and researchers from the South East Asian region and abroad. The conference aims at building a bridge and linking start-ups and SMEs to investors, financiers and established corporates in the region to create business partnerships and joint ventures.
Scope of Conference related to selected Sustainable Development Goals below
Academics and researchers worldwide are invited to submit full-length papers, case studies or special session proposals for the Recent Trends in Business and Entrepreneurial Ventures. Topics in all areas relating to Corporate Governance, Financial Management, Marketing Management, Operations Management, Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Finance, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, International Business, Global Economics, Organizations Finance, Knowledge Management, Developing Country, Multinational Companies, Cross-Cultural Management, International Human Resources Management, Insurance, Entrepreneurship, Healthcare Management, Waste Management, Energy from Waste and Biomass, Hospitality and Tourism, Water Resource Management and other related areas.
Papers must be original and unpublished with proper acknowledgement.
Selected Full length Articles will be Considered for Publication after Review in the following Books and Journals.
Published By: Nova Science Publisher, USA
Name: “Recent Trends in Business and Entrepreneurial Ventures”
Name: “Sustainable Disaster Management and Human Health”
Journals: Journal Indexed in Cross Ref, DOI, ISSN / ISBN, My Cite (Ministry of Education, Malaysia)
Published By: Lincoln University College, Malaysia
International Journal on Recent Trends in Business and Tourism (IJRTBT)
Online ISSN: 2550-1526
International Journal of Management and Human Sciences (IJMHS)
Online ISSN : 2590-3748
Published By: Lincoln Research and Publishing Limited, Australia (LRPL)
Asia-Pacific Journal of Management and Technology (AJMT)
Online ISSN : 2652-6840